Season of Creation (2' x 6') Indoor / Outdoor Banner

3 In Stock
Union Printed | Eco-Friendly
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English and Bi-Lingual Banners are currently in production. Orders placed prior to May 6, 2024, will be shipped the week of May 6th.

The Season of Creation banner features St. Francis of Assisi holding a dove and globe with the phrase "Season of Creation" in the upper right corner and "September 1 - October 4" at the bottom. The banner is 2 feet by 6 feet and made of natural fiber materials rather than vinyl. It can be used indoors or outdoors. The print screening process was completed at a U.S. union factory (Allied Printing Southern California Trades Council, Local 86) in Los Angeles, California. 

The banner is available in English, Spanish, or bilingual English / Spanish. Bulk discount will be applied to multiple banners in different languages (ie. one English and one bi-lingual banner would enable you to receive the discount for 2 or more banners). Discount is applied in shopping cart.

English and Bi-Lingual Banners are currently in production. Orders placed prior to May 6, 2024, will be shipped the week of May 6th.