Blessed Rutilio Grande Prayer Card - ENGLISH (Pack of 25)
Blessed Father Rutilio Grande, S.J., was beatified on January 22, 2022, with a public ceremony in El Salvador. He is remembered as a social justice advocate deeply committed to the poor and marginalized of his native country.
The prayer card lifts up in prayer Grande's "compassion and love for the poor and disenfranchised" is entitled "Hands and Feet of Justice" and was written by the late Sister Dianna Ortiz, O.S.U.
The prayer cards, with the prayer in ENGLISH, are 3' x 4.25' and come in packs of 25.
They are also available in Spanish.
Hands and Feet of Justice
written by: Sister Dianna Ortiz, OSU
Jesus, Proclaimer of Justice, with the people of El Salvador, we remember Blessed Rutilio Grande’s compassion and love for the poor and disenfranchised.
May his prophetic and pastoral witness continue to raise the consciousness of people throughout the world.
May the Gospel of justice he died for, move and inspire us to be your hands and feet that heal the wounds of the afflicted and oppressed living among us.